Friday, July 29, 2011

Flies: A Fly Tells Us About Her Life- Autobiography!

The fly tells us something important about the life and what they face before becoming fully matured !

I hope this would bring a smile on your face ( well, that is what I intend) !

People call me fly but sometimes they call me with the names which I can’t mention here.

I was born in a family which always bugged people.When I was born,I found myself in a smelly environment.First thing my mom taught me, was how to go for smelly things which people hated alot.Those places provide us alot of nutrition which is essential for our growth.

Once I flew with my mom in order to find some food.I thought I would go for some fresh food but my mom got angry and told me to first finish the “good food”,THEN move on to the fresh stuff.I was surprised because the other animals and birds liked the fresh stuff while my mom asked me to go for the dirty food.But I found out later that cockroaches and other insects like me also love these kind of activities.Anyways, that was my first adventure of finding food and I was disappinted,to be honest.

The time passed on and I became aware of the essential and non-essential stuff in a fly’s life.I learnt that people won’t let me go to pick the fresh tea,food and other eatables.So, I started to bug them as people would call my parents “buggers”.I now have a best hobby which I enjoy most; to bug people and make them come after me.I love their frustration when they can’t catch me.

I always love to help other flies when they become vulnerable in the hands of their hunters. I simply jump on to the nose or go near to the ears of a person and start to shout out loud.This helps sometimes as the attention of a hunter diverts and he/she starts to follow me instead of my other mates.So, that also makes me a social-worker.

( Well, mom is calling now so that I can go and bug someone in the kitchen and I hope that I would get "some good food" this time. I am not going to bug you, don't worry. You are just hiding behind the screen. Well, I would call my other friends in your country to start bugging you. Until next time, you can enjoy reading my assistant " Asghar Khan's" other articles. Hope to catch you soon, ta ta ! )

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